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Old 05-28-2006, 06:51 PM
Dragus Lucian Dragus Lucian is offline
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Default Driver's license Chicago

Are careva intrebarile care vin de obicei la examenul scris pentru carnetul de soferi? Am auzit ca sunt vreo 40 intrebari si pot sa iti vina dintre ele.Merci
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Old 06-11-2006, 02:21 AM
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nu am intrat de mult pe forum.
daca inca nu le ai scrie un mesaj si stabilim cand si cum sa ti le aduc
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Old 06-12-2006, 10:25 PM
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salut ! si noi suntem interesati , dar numai peste o luna ajungem in Chicago
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Old 06-13-2006, 05:41 PM
adi_cio adi_cio is offline
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Thumbs up Intrebari driver's licence pentru statul Illinois

Originally Posted by Dragus Lucian
Are careva intrebarile care vin de obicei la examenul scris pentru carnetul de soferi? Am auzit ca sunt vreo 40 intrebari si pot sa iti vina dintre ele.Merci
Intrebari luate de pe [email protected]

Intrebari driver's licence pentru statul Illinois: (2/10/06)

1. When driving on a slippery road and the rear end of your vehicle
starts to skid, you should:
( ) Apply the brakes qiuckly. ( ) Turn the front wheels in the
direction of the skid. ( ) Hold the weel firmly and steer straight
ahead, braking gradually.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

2. When you come to a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle.
( ) As close to the stop sign as possible. ( ) At a marked stop line,
before entering the crosswalk, or before entering the intersection if
there is no crosswalk. ( ) At a place near the intersection,
providing you come to a complete stop.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

3. Drivers are not permitted to wear headsets or have a television
receiver visible from the driver's seat.
( ) true. ( )False
Raspuns corect varianta 1

4. When there are flashing signals at a railroad crossing and the
train clears the crossing, how soon should you proceed?
( ) Just as soon as the train clears the crossing.
( ) After you check to make sure another train is not approaching on
another track.
( ) Follow the vehicle ahead of you.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

5. Which of the following is the single greatest factor in fatal
motor vehicle accidents?
( ) Alcohol. ( ) Bad road conditions. ( ) Bad weather conditions. ( )
Mechanical problems.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

6. When an authorized emergency vehicle that is using its siren and
flashing lights approaches your vehicle, you should:
( ) Increase your speed. ( ) Continue at the same speed. ( ) Pull
over to the rigth-hand edge of the highway and stop, if possible.
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

7. When you are driving and one of your tires has a blowout, you
( ) Apply the brakes quickly to reduce speed. ( ) Grip the steering
wheel firmly, take your foot off the gas pedal, and let the vehicle
slow down before you drive onto the shoulder. ( ) Quickly steer onto
right shoulder.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

8. When passing another vehicle, you should not cut back into the
right lane until you can see the vehicle you just passed in your
rearview mirror.
( ) true. ( )false

9. The road surface of a bridge may be dangerouse in winter because:
( ) There may be ice on bridge even when other pavements are clear.
( ) The bridge surface is warmer. ( ) None of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

10. The driver and front-seat passengers (age 6 and above) are
required to wear seat safety belts while riding in a motor vehicle on
Illinois roadways.
( ) True. ( ) False.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

11. A driver moving out of an alley, private road, or driveway within
an urban area must:
( ) Should his/her horn and exit qiuckly. ( ) Stop before reaching
the sidewalk and yield to pedestrians and vehicles before proceeding.
( ) Stop only if there are vehicles coming down the street.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

12. When driving along the highway and the front right wheel of your
vehicle runs off the pavement, you should:
( ) Grasp the steering wheel tightly and take your foot off the
( ) Apply the brakes immediately and swing back onto the pavement
( ) Quickly swing back onto the pavement at your normal speed/
Raspun corect varianta 1.

13.Illinois residents must:
( ) Insure their vehicles for liability. ( ) Carry proof of insurance
in the vehicle. ( ) Produce proof of insurance when stopped for a
traffic violation, during a random check. ( ) All of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

14. A flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection means:
( ) An emergency vehicle is approaching from your rear.
( ) Exactly the same thing as a stop sign.
( ) You should be carefull when going through the intersection.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

15. Illinois law requires children under age 6 to be secured by a
restraining system or seat belt when traveling in a motor vehicle:
( ) In the front seat only. ( ) In the back seat only. ( ) Anywhere
in the vehicle. ( ) never, this is not a law.
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

16. When a two-lane pavement is marked with a single, solid yellow
line on your side of the center line:
( ) Construction work is going on ahead , slow down.
( ) You must slow down and proceed with caution.
( ) You must not cross the yellow line to pass another vehicle.\
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

17. When a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow in
the direction you wish to turn, you:
( ) Must stop and remain stopped until the red light has changed.
( ) Have the right-of-way over pedestrians in turning in the
direction of the arrow.
( ) May proceed in the direction of the the arrow with caution.
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

18. When a school bus is stopped on a two-lane or four-lane hightway
and its red warning lights are flashing and its stop signal arm is
extended, you must:
( ) Stop before meeting or overtaking school bus loading or unloading
passengers on a two-lane highway.
( ) You do not always need to stop when meeting a stopped school bus
on a roadway with four or more lanes if at least 2 lanes of traffic
travel in the opposite direction.
( ) You do not nned to stop if you are traveling on a four-lane
highway in the opposite direction of a school bus, but you should
drive cautiously.
( ) All of the obove.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

19. One may not drive a motor vehicle (even if borrowed or rented for
a period of time) unless the operator holds a valid driver's licence
that is properly classified for that kind and type of vehicle.
( ) True. ( )False.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

20. Your driving privileges will be revoked in the State of Illinois
if you are convicted of:
( ) Drag racing. ( ) Leaving the scene of an accident in which you
are involved as a driver, if the accident results in death or
personal injury.
( ) Driving or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while
under the influence of alcohol or other grugs (including prescription
drugs that may impair driving ability) and/or combinations thereof.
( ) All of the above. ( ) None of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

21. Headlights are required:
( ) When weather conditions requirethe use of windshield wipers.
( ) From dusk to down.
( ) During periods of poor visibility.
( ) All of the above.
Raspunsul corect varianta 4.

22. When a right turn against a red signal light is allowed, the
proper way to make the turn is to:
( ) Turn quickly to get out of the way of traffic.
( ) Stop, give the right-of-way to any persons or vehicles within yhe
intersection, then cautiously make your turn.
( ) Stop, sound your horn to warn other traffic, then make your turn.
raspuns corect varianta 2.

23. Many intersection accidents occur because drivers FAIL to slow
down and look carefully to the left and right before entering the
( ) True ( ) False.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

24. When headlights are required, bright lights should be dimmed at
least 500 feet before meeting and 300 feet before overtaking another
( ) True ( ) False.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

25. In order to reinstate full driving privileges after a DRIVING
UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI) revocation, a person must:
( ) Submit to a professional assessment of alcohol and/or drug use
and attend a remedial or rehabilitation program.
( ) Carry high-risk auto insurance for three years.
( ) Be approved for reinstatement by a Secretary of State Hearing
Officer and pay a $60 reinstatement fee.
( ) Wait a minimum of one year.
( ) All of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

26. If you must drive during foggy weather , you should turn on the
low-beam headlights and:
( ) Drive at a speed that will allow you to stop within your field of
( ) Flash your lights routinely.
( ) Keep your foot on the break pedal so your taillights will be seen
more easily
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

27. If your vehicle starts to skind on water(hydroplane), you should:
( ) Turn your wheel slightly to the right and break gently.
( ) Turn your ignition off and coast to a stop .
( ) Take your foot off the accelerator and let your vehicle slow
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

28. When approaching a railroad grade crossing that does NOT have ANY
warning system(such as electric flashing lights or gates), ypu
( ) Increase speed and cross tracks as quickly as possible.
( ) Continue at your normal speed.
( ) Look, listen, slow down in case you have to stop, and proceed
when sate to do so.
Raspuns corect varianta 3.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Old 06-13-2006, 05:42 PM
adi_cio adi_cio is offline
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Default Continuare

29. Motorcycles are entitled to use the full width of a traffic lane,
the same
as a vehicle. Therefore, when you are driving a vehicle and want to
pass a motorcycle, you should:
( ) Cautiously pass the motorcycle, sharing the same lane that it is
( ) Do not pass the motorcycle in the same lane that is using, but
change lanes and pass the way you would pass another vehicle.
( ) Follow the motorcycle without passing it.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

30. It is legal for you to pass on the shoulder of the road.
( ) True ( ) false.
raspuns corect varianta 2.

31. You are required by law to yield the right-of-way to any
authorized vehicle engaged in highway construction or maintenance
that is displaying amber(yellow) rotating, of flashing lights.
( ) True ( ) Flase.
Raspuns coresct varianta 1.

32. You are waiting at an intersection and the traffic signal light
changes to green. You may then go ahead.
( ) Immediately
( ) When you think it is safe o do so.
( ) After first yielding the right-of-way to any persons or vehicles
that are within the intersection,
Raspuns corect varianta 3.

33. If you are under 17 and you drive curfew hours, you must have a
parent, legat guardian or someone 18 years of age or older with you.
Your parents or legal guardian must approve of the person. If these
conditions are not met, your licence ot permit may not be valid
during those hours.
( ) True ( ) False.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

34. Your driver's licence will be suspended if, after being arrested
for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI)
( ) You take a chemical test (breath, blood or urine) and register an
amount of alcohol equal to or over the legal level of intoxication
( ) You take a chemical test and register any trace of controlled
substance of cannabis (marijuana).
( ) You refuse to take a chemical test (breath, blood or urine).
( ) All of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

35. Most rear and collisions are caused by:
( ) The vehicle in front stopping too quickly.
( ) The vehicle in back following too closely.
( ) Dangerous road conditions.
Raspuns corect varianta 2.

36. When making a left or right turn in a business or residential
district, a continuous signal to turn must be given:
( ) At least 50 feet from the intersection.
( ) Not less than 100 feet before turning.
( ) Only when vehicles are coming toward you.
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

37. Motorcycles, though smaller and lighter in weight, have the same
right-of- way privileged as other wehicles. Special observance should
be given to motorcyclists when they approach an intersection, a
railroad crossing, bridge or when bad weather occurs.
( ) True ( ) False
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

38. A person who REFUSES to submit to a chemical test, or tests, of
his/her blood, breath or urine for the purpose of determining the
level of alcohol and/or drug content.
( ) Will receive a driver's licence suspension for six months on
first offense.
( ) Will receive a driver's licence suspension for 24 months for
second ore more refusals within a 5-year period.
( ) May have this used as evidence against him/her in court if
charged with DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE of alcohol and/or drugs
( ) All of the above.
Raspuns corect varianta 4.

39. If you are convincted of passing a school bus that is receiving
or discharging passengers, you may lose your driver's licence for at
least 30 days.
( ) True ( ) False
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

40. It is unlawful for any person to leave the roadway and travel
across private to avoid an official traffic control device.
( ) True ( ) False
Raspuns corect varianta 1.

Cam astea au fost intrebarile ....sper sa va fie de folos.

PS. Pentru cei din Illinois....sa fiti atenti la traseu cand va
intreaba despre parcarea in up-hill sau down-hill...trebuie sa
raspundeti cum pozitionati rotile....scrie in carte. E o intrebare
destul de frecventa

Va scriu eu care sint semnele si voi luati pozele din cartea de
1. crossroad
2. merge
3. reduction in lines
4. no passing zone
5. yield right of way
6.no u turn
7.railroad warning
8.no right turn
9.slow moving vehicle
11.pedestrian crossing
12.road construction and maintenance area
13.signal ahead
14.do not enter
15.school zone and school crossing
16.side road
17.winding road
Din astea o sa aveti 15 semne.
Semnele sint desenate cu o line sub ele iar voi trebuie sa puneti
numarul care reprezinta denumirea semnului.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Old 05-01-2007, 04:36 AM
adi_cio adi_cio is offline
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Originally Posted by adi_cio View Post
Cam astea au fost intrebarile ....sper sa va fie de folos.

PS. Pentru cei din Illinois....sa fiti atenti la traseu cand va
intreaba despre parcarea in up-hill sau down-hill...trebuie sa
raspundeti cum pozitionati rotile....scrie in carte. E o intrebare
destul de frecventa

Va scriu eu care sint semnele si voi luati pozele din cartea de
1. crossroad
2. merge
3. reduction in lines
4. no passing zone
5. yield right of way
6.no u turn
7.railroad warning
8.no right turn
9.slow moving vehicle
11.pedestrian crossing
12.road construction and maintenance area
13.signal ahead
14.do not enter
15.school zone and school crossing
16.side road
17.winding road
Din astea o sa aveti 15 semne.
Semnele sint desenate cu o line sub ele iar voi trebuie sa puneti
numarul care reprezinta denumirea semnului.
Si uite ca am ajuns sa folosesc lista cu intrebari si semne acum cateva zile.
Sunt aceleasi intrebari in Illinois. Eu am dat examenul la centrul din Aurora.
Sa nu aveti o surpriza dar semnele de circulatie de pe formularul de examen nu au continut. De exemplu semnul de stop e reprezentat decat de forma semnului de circulatie colorat in rosu fara scris. asa ca pregatiti-va sa invatati formele si culorile lor.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:02 AM
adi_cio adi_cio is offline
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Originally Posted by adi_cio View Post
Sa nu aveti o surpriza dar semnele de circulatie de pe formularul de examen nu au continut. De exemplu semnul de stop e reprezentat decat de forma semnului de circulatie colorat in rosu fara scris. asa ca pregatiti-va sa invatati formele si culorile lor.
doar cateva au fost cu continut: merge, reduction in lines, pedestrian crossing.

La condus am avut un mosulica ce fonfonea pe sub mustata. Pana nu i-am spus sa vorbeasca clar nu am inteles nimic. Dupa aceea a vorbit tare si clar si i-am inteles toate indicatiile. Am facut parcarea in down-hill, am dat cu spatele, am parcat lateral, m-a trecut prin zeci de stopuri, crossroad, T intersection.
La examen trebuie sa te porti foarte teatral. sa te prefaci ca iti aranjezi oglinzile cand intri in masina(chiar daca ti le-ai aranjat dinainte). Sa-ti pui centura. Sa tragi frana de mana de cate ori ai ocazia (parcare down-hill), sa-i demonstrezi cat de sigur conduci si ca nu o ia masina la vale. Tot la down-hill la parcare i-am tras demonstrativ de volan in directia ceruta la maxim sa vada ca stiu cum trebuie lasate rotile.
Din actele necesare la examen, eu am prezentat pasaportul, cardul de la social security si un welcome notice unde se vedea adresa la care am primit scrisoarea si pe care de fapt o doream pe carnet. A fost suficient.
Carnetul l-au emis pe loc in 5 minute.Eu ma asteptam sa-l primesc in posta peste o luna. Am semnat, mi-au facut poza si mi l-au dat. Minunat
Bafta tuturor!!!
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Old 09-15-2007, 09:20 AM
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Default exista vreo scoala de soferi in limba romana ?

voi ajunge in illinois la inceputul anului 2008 si as vrea sa stiu daca in acest stat se poate da examen auto (autoturism si camion) in limba romana ??
cunoaste cineva vreun translator care ma poate ajuta la examen ??
exista vreo scoala de soferi pt romani??
daca are cineva vreo informatie va rog sa mi lasati un nr de tel sau adrese.
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Old 07-07-2006, 08:32 PM
jihlavanka jihlavanka is offline
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stie cineva intrebarile de la driver licence si pt. stalul Indiana? e posibil sa fie identice cu cele din Illinois?...Ma indoiesc
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Old 07-08-2006, 06:58 AM
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De obicei testele nu sunt grele si daca citesti carticica cu regulamentul, nu va fi nici o problema.
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia" (Charles Schultz)
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