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Lege pentru desfintarea vizelor

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Old 09-18-2004, 04:55 PM
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Default Lege pentru desfintarea vizelor

Recent propunerea de lege pentru desfintarea loteriei vizelor a fost aprobata in prima sa faza (incipienta). Mai sunt de parcurs multe faze (aprobare de catre House si Senate, si promulgare de presedinte), dar orice alta propunere de genul asta nu a parcurs nici macar prima faza.

Puteti citi legea (sau orice alte legi in curs de aprobare) la Thomas: http://thomas.loc.gov/ introduceti HR775 la bill number.

Immigration Lottery Abolition Bill, H.R. 775 and Sponsor's Argument

* The subcommitte of the Judiciary Committee of the House passed this bill on September 14, 2004 and referred it to the full Judiciary Committee. The following is the sponsor's explanation of background of the bill:
o A government program that presents a serious national security threat and is wrought with fraud and abuse, the visa lottery program: Under the program, each successful applicant is chosen at random and given the status of permanent resident, a green card holder, based on pure luck. A perfect example of the system gone awry is the case of Hesham Mohamed Ali Hedayet, the Egyptian national who killed two and wounded three during a shooting spree at the Los Angeles International Airport in July of 2002. He was allowed to apply for lawful permanent resident status in 1997 because of his wife's status as a visa lottery winner. The State Department's Inspector General has even weighed in on the national security threat posed by the visa lottery program. In a report issued in September of 2003, the Office of Inspector General stated that the visa lottery program contains ``significant threats to national security from entry of hostile intelligence officers, criminals, and terrorists into the United States as permanent residents.'' Usually immigrant visas are issued to foreign nationals who have existing connections with family members lawfully residing in the United States. These types of relationships help ensure that immigrants entering our country have a stake in continuing America's success and have needed skills to contribute to our Nation's economy. However, under the visa lottery program, visas are awarded to immigrants at random without meeting such criteria. In addition, the visa lottery program is unfair to immigrants who comply with the United States' immigration laws. The visa lottery program does not expressly prohibit illegal aliens from applying to receive visas through the program. Thus the program treats foreign nationals that comply with our laws the same as those that blatantly violate our laws. In addition, most family-sponsored immigrants currently face a wait of years to obtain visas. Yet the lottery program pushes 50,000 random immigrants with no particular family ties, job skills, or education ahead of these families and employer-sponsored immigrants each year with relatively no wait. This sends the wrong message to those who wish to enter our great country and to the international community as a whole. Furthermore, the visa lottery program is wrought with fraud. A recent report released by the Center for Immigration Studies states that it is commonplace for foreign nationals to apply for the lottery program multiple times using many different aliases. In addition, the visa lottery program has spawned a cottage industry featuring sponsors in the U.S. who falsely promise success to applicants in exchange for large sums of money. Ill-informed foreign nationals are willing to pay top dollar for the ``guarantee'' of lawful permanent resident status in the U.S. The State Department's Office of Inspector General confirms these allegations of widespread fraud in its September report. Specifically, the report states that the visa lottery program is ``subject to widespread abuse'' and that ``identity fraud is endemic and fraudulent documents are commonplace.'' Furthermore, the report also reveals that the State Department found that 364,000 duplicate applications were detected in 2003 alone. The only penalty for such abuse is disqualification from that year's lottery. The visa lottery program represents what is wrong with our country's immigration system. The serious national security threats, fraud and waste that the visa lottery program present beg the question why is this program still in existence? This important legislation would eliminate the controversial visa lottery program. Not only will the removal of the visa lottery improve our Nation's security but it will also make the administration of our immigration laws more consistent and fair and help reduce immigration fraud and opportunism.
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Old 09-22-2004, 09:30 PM
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Pot sa spun ca mi s-a facut un gol in stomac cand am citit . Sper pt noi toti care vrem sa ne incercam norocul pe acolo sa nu se mearga pana la capat cu aceasta lege si lucrurile sa ramana asa ca si acum, cand atat vreme cat ne putem inscrie la loterie mai putem avea o speranta, cat de mic�......
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Old 09-23-2004, 12:33 AM
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S-ar putea sa dureze ani pina sa anuleze DV, probabil numai daca ar cistiga in alegeri Kerry si ar avea intentii serioase in domeniu, dar n-am auzit sa fie o preocupare pentru staff-ul lui.
Nu democratii sunt cei care au initiat aceasta lege, ci nationalistii de republicani, care nu vor imigranti.
Da mama cu biciu-n mine
Ca n-am ascultat de tine !
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Old 09-23-2004, 11:07 PM
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Default alternativa.

fratzilor nu disperati ....din 2007 vom calatori liberi un UE. Nu va mai trebui sa emigram nicaieri .... vom pleca in UE .... unde stau "comunitarii" cu colaci in coada. Si ne asteapta ....si tre sa fim pregatitzi ...asa spune conducerea PSD ....prin vocea lu mosh Bombonel cu 2 OO , si a sefului de campanie electorala, alias copilu lu' tata ...

Nu disperati ... in tot raul e si un bine ... poate va fi mai bine asa
\"- Cum se numeste cand te simti cald si multumit si ai vrea ca lucrurile sa ramana asa cum sunt?
- Cred ca-i zice fericire\" - Terry Pratchett, Mort
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Old 09-23-2004, 11:17 PM
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Default 2000E dac'am avea....ce frumoas'ar fi tara mea

He he, chiar dc vom zburda prin UE ca niste miei, tot ca iei vom si sacrificati, si oricum tot nu vom avea aceleasi drepturi ca si iei, doar daca tarile respective ne adopta. Sincer eu nu mi-as parasi tara daca as avea un salariu ca in afara si as avea granitele deschise sa pot sa vizitez ce imi doreste inimioara.
When u BELIEVE, u will ACHIEVE!!!
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Old 09-23-2004, 11:18 PM
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When u BELIEVE, u will ACHIEVE!!!
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