Cetatenie cu viza de lucru
Buna, as dori sa intreb pe cei cunoscatori, se poate primi cetatenia cu viza de lucru? Dupa cat timp de sedere/munca in USA?
Mersi. Monica |
Monica, la o alta intrebare a ta ti-am zis despre tipul de viza H1B, cu care tu ai putea sa pleci in SUA, daca vrei sa te angajezi in IT.
Problema cu aceasta viza este ca nu poti sta mai mult de 6 ani( sper sa tin minte bine ) in SUA. Dupa 6 ani, trebuie sa te intorci acasa, sa ramai vreo 2 ani parca in tara si apoi poti din nou sa pleci cu H1B pentru inca 6 ani. Oricum, nu prea este de dorit asemenea lucru. Insa, in decursul acestor 6 ani, firma la care lucrezi poate sa aplice pentru tine ca sa primesti Green Card, proces destul de complicat, care dureaza cam 2-3 ani din cate am auzit eu. Daca tu te hotarasti sa parasesti firma care a aplicat pentru tine ca sa primesti Green Card-ul( chestia asta se cheama H1B Transfer ), firma la care te vei muta trebuie sa aplice din nou pentru tine, si astfel procesul se reia de la zero, adica va trebui sa astepti alti 2-3 ani ca sa primesti Green Card-ul. Din momentul in care ai obtinut Green Card-ul dureaza cam 5 ani pana la cetatenie, insa trebuie sa respecti anumite conditii care s-au discutat mult pe forumul asta si despre care probabil ai citit si tu. Mult succes, Cristi |
Ei... ce memorie buna ai ... da, am cautat informatii despre viza H1B si ai dreptate, pot sa stau maxim 6 ani.
Insa nu stiam despre faptul ca firma poate aplica ca sa primesc Green Card, dar totusi ar fi un procedeu prea de lung... si mai ales daca la o posibila plecare la o alta firma, trebuie reaplicat... si tot asa... Se pare ca cea mai buna solutie de plecare in State ar ramane totusi DV... desi am ghinion la lotto-uri... poate-mi vine norocul si mie o data... Mersi mult de raspuns. Monica |
Cand pleci cu H1B, firma care te sponsorizeaza face absolut totul, tu nu ai puterea sa faci aproape nimic.
Cand se hotarasc sa te ia, ei depun actele pentru ca tu sa poti veni si ti le trimit apoi tie sa le prezinti la ambasada. Daca te dau afara, tu vei veni imediat inapoi in RO. La fel se intampla si cu Green Card-ul ... ei trebuie sa aplice pentru ca tu sa primesti GC-ul. E un proces destul de lung si complicat, dar eu zic ca merita. Ti-am zis, cel mai greu este sa-ti gasesti firma care sa te sponsorizeze si pentru asta cred ca ai nevoie de prieteni in SUA care sa te recomande. Cristi |
Am o prietena in USA care imi cauta contract de munca in Usa.
Oricum as dori un job cat de cat sigur in IT... sper sa gasim. Nu-mi plac incertitudinile si riscurile... lucrez aici la o firma mare de 2 ani in IT, nu mi-as risca job-ul de aici pentru orice si nici n-as vrea sa ma intorc in RO dupa putin timp pentru ca job-ul gasit nu e ce vreau eu. Deocamdata o sa astept ca tipa sa ma anunte ce mi-a gasit... si daca nu iese treaba, ma voi inscrie la DV 2006... poate am noroc anul asta. Dar oricum vroiam sa ma informez inainte de toate ce anume implica viza H1B si daca chiar merita tot procesul. Mersi de info. Monica |
Eu zic sa te inscrii la DV2006 chiar daca o sa-ti gasesti un job si o sa pleci cu H1B. Daca vei castiga la loterie vei putea obtine GC-ul fara ajutorul companiei care te-a sponsorizat si nu va mai trebui sa astepti 2-3 ca sa-l ai.
Trebuie sa fii constienta ca tu depinzi de acea firma care te-a sponsorizat, ca daca nu te mai plac te pot trimite acasa oricand ... intr-un fel esti la mana lor. Nu te poti muta la alta firma decat daca ti se face H1B transfer, deci esti destul de limitata, pentru ca nu orice firma poate face sponsorizari. Deci, inca 1 data iti zic ... eu as aplica la loterie chiar daca as pleca cu H1B. Cristi |
Mersi de sfat... asa voi face... better safe then sorry.
Monica |
O stire interesanta despre H1B -- ptr cei interesati
New H1B Regulations During third week of Nov-2004, the House of Representatives and the Senate approved the Omnibus Appropriations Bill. Some important aspects related to H1B sponsors and Job seekers are discussed below. The bill is expected to sign by President Bush. The effective date of most of the H1B rules is 90 days after it becomes a law. But the H-1 provisions relating to certain filing fees for H1Bs are expected to be effective immediately upon signing. The L-1 provisions are slated to be effective 180 days after the enactment of the Bill. Exemption from the H1B quota limits for US graduates. Under this bill, up to 20,000 individuals who obtained Masters or higher degrees in the United States would not count against the H-1B cap. Already non-profit organizations and educational institutions are exempt from the annual cap. Fiscal year 2005 H1B cap 65,000 was already filled and there is no availability if H1B visa count for foreign nationals until Oct-1-2005. Increase in filing fee. There is a significant increase in filing fee for H1B applications. Previously eliminated Training fee of $1000 will be reinstated with an increase of $500. So each new H1B filing the employer should pay $1500 as training fee. There is also a $500 Fraud Prevention and Detection fee that will be paid for initial H1B and L-1 petitions and for change-of-status petitions. The minimum cost for each H1B filing for an US employer to sponsor an H1B will be around $3000 [$185 (USCIS application fee) + $1500 (Training fee) + $500 (Fraud Prevention fee) + $750 (Attorney fee)] L-1 Restrictions There are some restrictions in using L1B VISAs. L1Bs would be prevented from being primarily stationed at the worksite of another employer. The reduced six-month period of work abroad requirement for certain beneficiaries of L-1 blanket petitions would be eliminated and the one-year requirement for work abroad would be reinstated. H1B Transfers If you need an H1B sponsor to transfer your H1B, please send an email to [email protected] we have many clients who can file for transfer within days and take only 10% from your hourly rate. Also you can join as a full-time employee with good salary and benefits like health insurance, 401K and other benefits. Many of our clients process greencard as soon as you join. If you currently have a valid contract/project we can find an H1B sponsor within 24 hours and file your H1B transfers in 2 business days. Green-card Now a days many US employers change their policy for sponsoring Green card. If you have valid contract, we can find a green card sponsor who can file your labor quickly. Most of clients are having good financial results and getting the GC approval should not be a problem. Please send an email to [email protected] with the following details to process your inquiry ASAP. Your name and contact details. Educational qualification Date you entered into US H1B expiry date Your skills (list all) H1B - 6 year - Extension Issues H1B visa can be extended upto 6 years. If your greencard is in process and labor certification was filed 1 year before the 6 year limit, your H1B can be extended until your Greencard process has been completed. Option 1:- Pre-Approved Labor If your greencard was not filed in proper time, another option will be finding a pre-approved labor for your skills. It is very important that the job descriptions, education and your skills should match exactly to the approved labor petition If you need help on finding the pre-approved labor, please send the following details to [email protected] Your name and contact details. Educational qualification Date you entered into US H1B expiry date Your skills (list all) Option 2:- Canada Immigration You can apply for permanent residency in Canada, the expense will be less than the new proposed H1B filing fee. Also it takes slightly more than 1 year to get the approval. Getting job for software professionals are very easy in Canada with US experience. You have option to comeback to USA on H1B after one year. Please visit http://www.canreach.com |
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