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Pumnii stransi pentru aplicantzii la DV2005 !
Cum, oficial, perioada de inscriere pentru DV2005 s-a incheiat, si cum suntem si la un inceput de an nou, care unora ne va schimba destinele, doresc tuturor participantilor la acest forum(caci pana la urma toti am pornit candva de la "vreau sa aplic la Loterie") numai impliniri. Sa dea Dumnezeu ca in vara,rubrica" am castigat" sa fie invadata de voi, prieteni!
Numai bine tuturor!Cele bune sa se-adune, cele rele sa se spele!
\"Nimic nu ramane el insusi decat o foarte singura data...\" |
Vin si eu cu ganduri bune!
Fie ca 2004 sa aduca numai bucurii tuturor (loteristi, vizitatori) Dar in primul rand multa, multa,..... sanatate!!!!Ca e cea mai buna din toate! LA MULTI ANI!Distractie la maxim!!!! Sa auzim numai de bine! |
Stie cineva c�te aplicatii si c�te locuri disponibile sunt �n total pentru 2005 (calcule definitive), ca sa avem o idee care e concurenta si sansa ?
Am decupat pentru cei interesanti cateva din calculele vreunui nelinistit de pe Eskimo. Bazat insa, se pare! Nimic oficial, nu uitati!
"A quick followup. Based on the previous set of numbers, and the estimated DV2005 response of 6 million entries, here's a (very) rough calculation of your chances of winning. It's based on the following assumptions: (1) All countries not eligible for the DV program are excluded (2) The world population eligible for DV is 2,759 million. (3) the proportion of DV entries mirrors the proportion of people who live in each region - which is probably not quite true, but fairly close. (4) The same number of NLs will be sent out as DV2004 (5) There are 6 million valid applications for DV2005 AF = 29% of entries = 1,740,000 | NLs = 50,000 | Chance of NL = 1 in 35 AS = 35% of entries = 2,100,000 | NLs = 19,000 | Chance of NL = 1 in 110 EU = 19% of entries = 1,140,000 | NLs = 35,000 | Chance of NL = 1 in 33 OC = 1% of entries = 60,000 | NLs = 1,300 | Chance of NL = 1 in 45 SA = 13% of entries = 780,000 | NLs = 3,500 | Chance of NL = 1 in 220* Therefore, of 50,000 available DVs, about 44% go to Africa, 32% to Europe, 15% to Asia, 6% to South America and 1.5% to Oceania. These percentages roughly correlate with the percentages of the 110,000 NLs that were sent out for DV2004."
\"Nimic nu ramane el insusi decat o foarte singura data...\" |
In New York Times a aparut o estimare de 5,9 milioane de participanti anul asta, ceea ce fata de 7,3 milioane de anul trecut (in principiu) ar creste sansele de castig... Bafta deci tuturor celor ce s-au inscris !
homo homini lupus |
articolul din NYT...
Green-Card Lottery Is Swamped in Last Hours
By NINA BERNSTEIN Published: January 2, 2004 With $20 and a dream of legalizing their lives in New York City, a surge of mostly Irish immigrants trooped to the Emerald Isle Immigration Center this week for last-minute help in entering the new computerized green card lottery. But for many of the immigrants, and thousands more would-be applicants around the world, luck ran out well before the deadline, Tuesday night at midnight. The State Department's electronic lottery on its Web site was overwhelmed by the surge in online applications, and government officials and immigrant advocates agree that many applicants were shut out in the last 12 hours. "The servers were working as hard as they could," said Stuart Patt, a State Department spokesman, adding that they never failed entirely. "This is unfortunately a consequence of waiting until the last minute." The perils of procrastination should have been obvious, Mr. Patt added. Last year, when applications were still done only by mail, 2.9 million of the 10 million that arrived were disqualified for being late. This year the lottery accepted only online applications, and a total of 5.9 million were submitted, Mr. Patt said. That is well below last year's total and the 13 million mailed in 2000 but almost 900,000 more than officials had projected a week ago based on the rate of submissions since the lottery opened on Nov. 1. Mr. Patt attributed the unexpected last-minute rush of applicants to an article on Saturday in The New York Times about the lottery, officially known as the Diversity Visa Lottery. He said the article, which was also published on Monday on the front page of The International Herald Tribune, attracted attention in the foreign press and might have drawn applicants who thought the chances to win were better than usual. Officials attribute the drop in applications from last year to a reduction in duplications and fraud. Immigrant advocates, however, say the numbers were down because potential applicants often lack access to computers and often fear that online information could be shared with the Department of Homeland Security. Siobhan Dennehy, director of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, in Queens, said many last-minute applicants were worried that an online application could make them targets of deportation. "There are people who have children who were born in this country and have never seen their grandparents," Ms. Dennehy said yesterday. She mentioned one man with a 6- or 7-year-old daughter whose grandparents are too old to travel. He told Ms. Dennehy he was afraid to risk traveling back to Ireland until he could adjust his illegal status. "There isn't a lot of hope today to change your status," Ms. Dennehy added. "People felt, `This is my last shot for now.' " After the center closed for the day Tuesday evening, she said, staff members split up the last applications, including digital photographs, and kept trying to enter them from home or office computers until the midnight deadline. From 6:30 p.m. to midnight, she said, she submitted only three more applications herself. Forty forms could not be submitted by the center's two offices. The 40 applicants will be notified next week, and their $20 fees returned. "The last one happened to be a woman with the same day and month of my daughter's birthday," Ms. Dennehy added. "I was determined to get this woman in, and alas, it didn't work." At the State Department, Mr. Patt said nearly 300,000 applicants did make it through that last day. Estimates of the number of immigrants living illegally in the United States range from 8 million to 10 million. The countries with the most applicants were Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Nepal and Morocco, Mr. Patt said. Each country is capped at 3,500 green cards, however, so the more applications, the longer the odds. Over all, 110,000 are randomly selected, but about half drop out or fail to meet minimal qualifications for a diversity visa, like a high school education or a trade. Bafta, |
De mai multe ori pe eskimo.com , un tip a initiat un subiect cum ca 1.5 milioane de inscrieri din primele doua saptamani ale lui noiembrie au fost pierdute din cauza faptului ca la un moment dat sistemul a "bug-at"...
Asta ar fi alta explicatie ca anul asta sunt asa putini inscrisi... Sper sa fie doar o alarma falsa...
homo homini lupus |
Salutare tuturor,
Faptul ca irlandezii au dat buzna in ultima zi pare o poveste, nu numai pentru ca loteria incepuse de ceva timp si sunt convinsa ca stiau lucru asta dar si faptul ca era foarte aproape ziua cand Bush trebuia sa spuna ca legalizeaza ilegalii, lucru care se stia de ceva timp si era cu ardoare asteptat. Eu cred ca singurul motiv care a dus la scaderea numarului aplicantilor este faptul ca a fost on-line, este un lucru foarte important pentru tarile unde calculatorul este un lux.Ca primele aplicatii s-au pierdut nu ar fii prea placut (eu am aplicat printre primii), dar si asta pare o poveste. Sunt convinsa ca cei ce au creat site-ul se asteptau la tot felul de situatii, iar site-ul a fost desul de puternic sa suporte orice. Sa fim optimisti si BAFTA tuturor romanilor. Singurul lucru de care mi-e teama este POSTA ROMANA! |
Sperante !
NU suna bine deloc vestile de pe eskimo.com, dar cine stie ce grad de veridicitate au. Eu unul NU VREAU sa le cred pentru ca ma trimis chiar pe 1 noiembrie si e nasol . Oricum eu merge pe o deviza foarte importanta.
CEI AL TAU E PUS DEOPARTE !!! DV va mai fi si anul asta !!! Bafta tuturor si sper sa castigati...si sa castig si eu !
\"Dumnezeu nu exista !\" ii spuse nebunul inimii sale. |
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