Informatia cu 300x300 pixeli apare pe link-ul pentru testarea fotografiei si anume.....
Si anume........
Photograph Instructions
Please select the image file you would like to verify. This image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) format. If the image is created by using a digital camera, it must have a resolution of 320 by 240 pixels, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray. If the image is created by scanning a photographic print the original print must have been 2" by 2" (50mm x 50mm), and the scan must be performed at a resolution of 150 dots per inch (dpi); the image must have a resolution of 300 by 300 pixels, with either 24-bits of color, 8-bits of color or 8-bits of gray. The image can not exceed 62,500 bytes (62.5KB) in size.
Si eu sint mai mult decit bita in ale deloc pasiunea mea.
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